A group of girls on the beach, discussing a poem about Teen Dating Violence.

Understanding and Preventing Teen Dating Violence

“Understanding and Preventing Teen Dating Violence” is a compelling blog post that blends personal narrative with educational advocacy to tackle the critical issue of teen dating violence. The author shares her own experience with an abusive relationship to illuminate the subtle, often overlooked signs of manipulation and control. Highlighting alarming statistics, she emphasizes the prevalence of physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and digital abuse among teenagers. The post serves as a call to action, urging parents, educators, and teenagers themselves to recognize warning signs early, foster healthy relationships, and intervene when necessary. It advocates for increased awareness and education as key tools in preventing abuse and supporting victims. Through a mix of personal insights and actionable advice, the post aims to empower readers to contribute to a safer, more respectful future for teen dating.
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Books I Recommend for protecting your teen daughter from controlling, dating relationships.

Breaking Free: Recognizing and Overcoming Narcissist Financial Abuse

Unmask the insidious financial abuse perpetrated by covert narcissists. Learn to recognize the manipulative tactics, understand their motives, and arm yourself with protective strategies. This knowledge equips you to regain control, navigate legal options, and break free from the devastating grip of narcissist financial abuse.
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Narcissistic Abuse Cycle

From the beginning of my relationship with my ex-husband, there were signs of abuse and the cycle that would keep me sucked in for so long. I had no idea…
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