A group of girls on the beach, discussing a poem about Teen Dating Violence.

Understanding and Preventing Teen Dating Violence

“Understanding and Preventing Teen Dating Violence” is a compelling blog post that blends personal narrative with educational advocacy to tackle the critical issue of teen dating violence. The author shares her own experience with an abusive relationship to illuminate the subtle, often overlooked signs of manipulation and control. Highlighting alarming statistics, she emphasizes the prevalence of physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and digital abuse among teenagers. The post serves as a call to action, urging parents, educators, and teenagers themselves to recognize warning signs early, foster healthy relationships, and intervene when necessary. It advocates for increased awareness and education as key tools in preventing abuse and supporting victims. Through a mix of personal insights and actionable advice, the post aims to empower readers to contribute to a safer, more respectful future for teen dating.
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Hello new life, divorce, i'm ready for you.

Lessons From the Other Side: Five Things I Wish I Knew Before My Divorce

In my journey through divorce, I’ve learned invaluable lessons: Divorce is not a failure but a brave step towards healing and personal growth, challenging yet necessary for emotional well-being. The process brought unexpected complexities, requiring legal and emotional support. I encountered a spectrum of reactions from others, teaching me the importance of setting boundaries and discerning genuine support. Adjusting to post-divorce life was a rollercoaster of emotions and practical changes, fostering self-discovery and resilience. My social circle evolved, shedding some relationships while forming new, supportive bonds. These experiences have shaped me into a stronger individual and a dedicated divorce coach, eager to guide others through this transformative journey.
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A pumpkin and corn on the Thanksgiving beach.

Navigating Narcissistic Abuse During Thanksgiving: Co-parenting and Setting Boundaries

Thanksgiving, a time for gratitude and family, can take an unexpected turn when you’re co-parenting with a narcissistic ex-partner. In the midst of holiday cheer, narcissistic abuse can rear its ugly head. Setting boundaries and seeking support become crucial tools in ensuring a peaceful Thanksgiving. As a divorce coach, I’m here to help you navigate this challenging terrain, so you can focus on creating positive memories for yourself and your children.
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